

Real Eyes Sport
Real Eyes Sport A.S.D is an Italian no-profit sport Association funded in 2020 by Daniele Cassioli, Roberto Bof, and Désirée Galantino. Real Eyes Sport aims to develop a renewed culture on the benefits that motor activity brings, even more so in the presence of a disability. The main mission is to promote sports activities among the visually impaired, social inclusion and values in the community by involving direct experience, storytelling, and sports events. The Association understands sport as an educational-rehabilitative ally capable of enhancing the differences of each person and aims to convey important values such as confidence in one’s own means and towards others, determination to achieve goals, and the possibility of overcoming obstacles through commitment and regardless of starting conditions. Real Eyes Sport intends to act as a reference interlocutor for all those associations on the Italian territory that work for the benefit of people with disabilities to foster the process of inclusion, at the basis of the harmonious growth of young people, and useful for building an increasingly inclusive society.

Municipio De Vila Nova De Famalicão
The Municipio De Vila Nova De Famalicão is a local public institution – local government – in Portugal whose main activity is municipal administration. The Municipality’s main areas of intervention cover various sectors, and the intervention occurs under specific and thematic strategies and approaches and also under integrated strategies with cross-cutting and multi-thematic action plans. The Municipality has a strategic municipal plan and several thematic and multi-thematic plans, programs and action plans, that are implemented by the municipal services and local stakeholders, with the support and monitoring of the Municipal Director. The Municipality is also responsible for the management and maintenance of all the public sports facilities and all the school facilities network, from primary school to high school, as part of a national pilot project for the decentralization of competencies.

The Adapted Physical Activity/ Developmental And Physical Disabilities Lab (APAlab) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The Adapted Physical Activity/ Developmental And Physical Disabilities Lab (APAlab) is one of the 7 formal laboratories of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), which is the oldest institution of higher education in Greece as well as the Balkan peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean region. The APALab has had thirty years of experience working with people with developmental disorders and learning difficulties (i.e., intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, dysgraphia, ADHD, DCD, etc.), their families, and their teachers. The research mission of the APALab is to conduct basic and applied research to: evaluate the level of cognitive-motor abilities of children and adolescents with and without disabilities; evaluate the physical conditioning and socio-emotional level of individuals with and without disabilities; develop intervention educational programs; investigate the ways that physical activity promotes health, well-being, recreation and a better quality of life for special populations; comprehend the effectiveness of teaching methods and disorder prognosis for people with special needs as well as consequences of disorders in education, family, society, and employment opportunities.

Euphoria Net
Euphoria Net is an Italian company set-up in March 2019 with the main scope of providing services in the project management field. They assist and support organizations in carrying out and managing projects as well as providing training on this topic. Indeed, Euphoria is specialized in the educational field and works in projects to bring innovation in such fields. Their work satellites around three main areas:
1) Project management, following all the aspects related to EU projects.
2) Training courses, especially for schools of any grade, Universities, associations, companies in project management, digital competencies, entrepreneurship, boosting STEM at school, EU citizenship, personalized learning, soft skills and innovative methodologies.
3) Organization of events and communication strategies: dissemination strategies within projects, including the setting-up of project branding, communication, stakeholders mapping, event organization and coordination all over Europe.